Very old account Featured items: WEAPONS Ungodly Reavers Of Nulgath Undead Assassin Swords Phoenix Blade CLASSES Blademaster (rank 6) Dark Legendary Hero Dragonlord Master ranger (rank 10) Necromancer (rank 10) Healer (rank 8) Paladin Slayer (rank 10) Mindbreaker (rank 9) ARMORS Blade Master Coolest Invisible Ninja +5 Legion Titan Undead Champion (used for dage) High Legion Champion (used for dage) Legion Titan Cloak Nulgath Rider Battle Pet +MANY items in bank In buyback shop, I have many rare items such as vindictor if they, nulgath armors, Dage armors, and Ascended Paragon Pet (Note: Those are just few of the items I wanted to list) 1,500,000 GOLD In Inv I will sell it for many different games/ game accounts such as Wizard101, WoW, runescape, etc or will sell outright.