Main Characters Profession: Tactical Main Characters Ship: Defiant, Dreadnaught, MultiVector, Imperial Sov, Mirror Ships Main Characters Skills (Describe): Attack Pattern Alpha, Beta, Omega, Tac team 1&2, Tac Fleet, Torp Spread 1&2, Scatter Vol 2 x2, Reverse shield pol, Jam Sensors, Hazard Emitters, Eng Team Main Characters Equipment: 77 MK XII Weapons and 17 Proto Borg Salv Omega and MACO XII Sets, Jem hadar, Breen, Reman XII Rare, ground sets also Main Characters Weapons: all XII Non borg - Dmg x2 on Defiant Select the number of alternative characters on your account: Alternative Characters Level: 51 Alternative Characters Gender: Male Alternative Characters Species: Klingon Alternative Characters Class: Admiral Alternative Characters Profession: Tactical Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): same as main Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): some xii borg Alternative Characters Level: 35 Alternative Characters Gender: Male Alternative Characters Species: Alien Alternative Characters Class: Captain Alternative Characters Profession: Science Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): Sci toon new defaint Captain style Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): poo Alternative Characters Level: 15 Alternative Characters Gender: Male Alternative Characters Species: Alien Alternative Characters Class: Lieutenant Alternative Characters Profession: Engineering Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): alt Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): alt All Ships (Describe): Defiant, Dread, MV, Imperial sov, both Fed mirror ships Tholian fighter Oddysey All Weapons (Describe): XII 77 ship weapons plenty of boff and personal weapons and 17 PBS in inventory All Assets (Describe): 125 Purple Duty officers of all kinds 95% unbound, 140 Inventory and bank slots, Jupiter costumes and 21st Century Formal, tholian equiptment and ferengi from lobi store all non borg weapons for pvp with 3 XII V-rare Tetryon Boosters on Defiant, Jump console Radiation console warpcore console antimatter console, 2 borg doffs 1 bought 1 is accolade, breen boff. Rean boff,cap increase Lifetime Subscription: No Additional Information i have put £600 into this account and its 1 of the best in the game i also have a fleet of 200 and a starbase at tier2 with tier 2 shipyard engeneering and science Total Currency On Account 25000000 Contact Email Address [email protected]