Level 50 Male Human Admiral Federation

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/6/14.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Profession: Tactical
    Main Characters Ship: Mobius, breen, fleet defiant, tier 4 fleet with about 50 active members, COMMANDER of fleet, I have 26 mil ec and banks of fed and klink fleet have roughly 100mil ec, ALL bonuses such as red matter capacitor, all unlocks, beta account, all special ships aside from the current dominion one
    Main Characters Skills (Describe):
    Main Characters Equipment: all mark 12 purp antiproton boosters
    Main Characters Weapons: same as above THIA ACCT IS CHERRY
    Select the number of alternative characters on your account:
    Alternative Characters Level: 50
    Alternative Characters Gender: Male
    Alternative Characters Species: Human
    Alternative Characters Class: Admiral
    Alternative Characters Profession: Engineering
    Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): grinding acct for doffs and dil
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe):
    Alternative Characters Level: 30
    Alternative Characters Gender: Female
    Alternative Characters Species: Vulcan
    Alternative Characters Class: Commander
    Alternative Characters Profession: Science
    Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): grinding acct
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe):
    Alternative Characters Level: 32
    Alternative Characters Gender: Female
    Alternative Characters Species: Klingon
    Alternative Characters Class: Captain
    Alternative Characters Profession: Tactical
    Alternative Characters Skills (Describe): grinding acct
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe):
    Alternative Characters Level:
    Alternative Characters Gender:
    Alternative Characters Species:
    Alternative Characters Class:
    Alternative Characters Profession:
    Alternative Characters Skills (Describe):
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe):
    All Ships (Describe): ALL cstore ships, all items, most costumes, ALL packs (oddy, vesta, etc) and ALL lobi ships except the new dominion one
    All Weapons (Describe): main toon is geared antiproton ann mk12 purp in a mobius
    All Assets (Describe): COMMANDER of three fleets, one is a storage fleet with crafting mats, klingon has 80mil ec, main fed fleet also has 80 mil both are filled with purp kits and misc array of great weapons and items, AND you will be commander of the fleets both r active with 50 members or so on fed side ACTIVE, and maybe 20 on klink side
    Lifetime Subscription:

    Additional Information

    Total Currency On Account

    Contact Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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