Main Characters Profession: Tactical Main Characters Ship: GOBS! Jem'hadar Attack Ship, Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrier, Jem'hadar Dreadnought Carrier, Mobius Temporal Destroyer, Suliban Cell Freighter, Risian Corvette, Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit, Fleet Assault Cruiser Retrofit, gobs of zen ships unlocked, and 5 more characters at level 50, also with good ships and gear in general... too many alts to list, there are 5 at level 50, 1 at level 32... have purchased gobs and gobs of store ships, and have premium items... alts nearly all have tackyokinetic converter item from the lobi store etc Main Characters Skills (Describe): Main Characters Equipment: Main Characters Weapons: Select the number of alternative characters on your account: All Ships (Describe): all of the desirable ships in the game save for dkora/galore/tuffli All Weapons (Describe): most toons are in FLEET gear; the dilithium and fleet credits gear All Assets (Describe): gigantic amount of doffs... lots (300+ v rare) over 1400 total Lifetime Subscription: No Additional Information please, serious offer only Total Currency On Account 10000000 Contact Email Address [email protected]