Selling  Level 50+ Level 50 Acc /28 Max-50 Legend,5 Myth,4 Beasts/MAX-50 Kyurem&NecrozmaFusions /78 Shundo/155k

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by Jabba, 3/11/25.

  1. Jabba

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    Buy Now
    Best Level 50 Acc /28 Max-50 Legend,5 Myth,4 Beasts/MAX-50 Kyurem&NecrozmaFusions /78 Shundo/155k+Caught/63k+spun/Megas,Dynamx,Giganatamax,PVPs/ L

    100% non-# account with hundreds of shinies and 100%ivs. Zero chance of getting any ban or warning.

    GMAIL Account with No hidden PTC ScreenShoot also attatched. You can Attatch Your Own PTC with it.

    52 Million+ Star Dust, 391 M+ XP

    All Mega Legendary and Mega Mythcial MAX-50.

    Already Fused Kyurem With Both Reshiram AND Zekrom Both LEVEL 50 MAX

    White Kyurem with ICE BURN Special Move

    Black Kyurem with Freeze Shock Special Move

    Already Fused Necrozma With Both Solagleo AND Lunala Both LEVEL 50 MAX

    Dawn Wings Necrozma, Dawn Mane Necrozma

    MAXED 50 POKEMON = Around 99


    Legendary = 400

    Articuno 13x, Zapdos 6x, Moltress 5x, Mewtwo 17x Raikou 14x, Entie 7x, Suicune 8x, Lugia 19x, Ho-Oh 16x, Regice 4x, Registeel 1x, Latios 5x, Latias 4x, Kyogre 20x, Groudoun 17x, Rayquaza 16x, Uxie 2x, Mesprit 3x, Azelf 5x, Giratina 7x, Dialga 10x, Palkia 6x, Heatran 7x, Cresselia 7x, Regigigas 4x, Cobalian 6x, Terrakion 6x, Virizon 3x, Tornadus 4x, Landorus 8x, Thundrus 5x, Reshiram 4x, Zekrom 3x, Kyurem 18x, Xerneas 8x, Yveltal 5x, Zygarde 1x, Tapukoko 2x, TapuLele 2x, Tapufini 11x, Tapubulu 13x, SOLGALEOA 1x, LUNALA 1x , Regieleki 7x, Regidrago 7x, Zacian 14x, Zamazenta 22x, Necrozma 18x, Enamorus 2x

    Shiny Legendary = 21

    Articuno 32x, Zapdos 1x, Entie 1x, Lugia 2x, Kyogre 3x, Rayquaza 1x, Virizon 1x, Tornadus 1x, Yveltal 1x, Tapubulu 1x, Tapu fini 1x, Necrozma 2x, Zacian 1x, Regidrago 1x.

    Shadow Legendary = 64

    Articuno 12x, Zapdos 3x, Moltress 2x, Ho-Oh 3x, Mewtwo 14x, Raikou 12x, Entei 5x, Suicune 6x, Lugia 2x, Regice 2x, Registeel 1x, Cresselia 2x.

    Shadow Shiny Legendary = 2

    Articuno 1x, Regice 1x

    Purified Legendary = 1

    Mewtwo 1x

    Hundo Legendary = 4

    Uxie 1x, Dialga 1x, Heatran 1x, Regidrago 1x

    Shundo Legendary = 1

    Regidrago 1x

    Galar SHINY Legendary = 1

    Articuno 1x

    Lucky Legendary = 6

    Shiny Lucky Legendary = 4

    Adventure Effect Legendary = 6

    Palkia 1x, Dialga 1x, Dawn Wings Necrozma, Dawn Mane Necrozma ,
    Black Kyurem, White Kyurem.

    MAX LEVEL 50 Legendary : 28

    Mewtwo 2x, Lugia, Ho-Oh,
    Latias, Latios, Groudon , Kyogre , Rayquaza,
    Palkia Both Forms, Dialga Both forms, Giratina both forms
    Heatran, Reshiram, Zekrom,
    , Dawn Wings Necrozma, Dawn Mane Necrozma,
    White Kyurem, Black Kyurem,
    Xerneas, Yveltal, Zamazenta, Zacian, Zygarde, Regidrago

    Dont Separate any Necrozma fusions Because for again fusion you need 1000 each energies.

    Dont Separate any Kyurem fusions Because for again fusion you need 1000 each energies.

    Mega Legendary:

    All Max-50 Legendary with Max-9999 Energy

    Latias 9999 Energy
    Latios 9999 Energy
    Kyogre 9999 Energy
    Rayquaza 9941 Energy
    Groudon 9999 Energy

    Level 50 MAX Diance Mythical Also Available Mega with 9999 Energy

    Wild Mega Venusaur, Blastoise, Beedrill, Alakazam, Slowbro, Genggar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados, Aerodecotyl, Steelix, Amphoras, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitor, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Gardevoir, Mawile, Sableye, Medicham, Manectric, Altaria, Absol, Banette, Glalie, Salamance, Gallade, Garchomp, LUCARIO, Abomasnow, lopunny Available SS Attatched

    MYTHICAL = 109

    Mew 1x, Celebi 1x, Darkrai 6x, Genesect 17x, Deoxys 2x, Shaymin 1x, Meloetta 1x, Diance 1x, Hoopa 3x, Meltan 76

    Max 50 Mythical = 5

    Mew 1x, Darkrai 1x, Diance 1x, Shaymin 1x, Meloetta 1x

    Shiny Mythical = 2

    Darkrai 1x, Genesect 1x

    Ultra Beasts = 25

    Nihilego 12x, Buzzwole 1x, Pheromosa 1x, Xurkitree 1x, Kartana 4x, Celestella 3x, Poipole 1x, Blacephon 2x.

    Max 50 Beasts = 4

    Nihilego 1x, Xurkitree 1x, Kartana 1x, Poipole 1x

    Other Level 50 Pokemons

    Around 62 Others All SS attatched Below

    Dyanamax Pokemons; 21

    Max Level 50 Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Gengar, Machamp, Unfezant, Metagross, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Dubwool, Falinks

    Others SS Attatched Below

    Gigantamax Pokemons; 9

    Max Level 50 Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Gengar, Lapras

    Others SS Attatched Below

    Normal Pokemons:

    Total Shiny: 865
    Hundo; 176
    Shundo; 78
    Lucky; 39
    Hatched; 279
    Hatched Shiny; 9

    Pichu 1x, Igglybuff 1x, Togepi 2x, Riolu 3x, Gliscor 1x, Phantump 1x

    Event: 80
    Event Shiny; 34
    Shadow: 100
    Shadow Shiny; 10
    Shadow Hundo; 3
    Purified; 26
    Purified Hundo; 14

    Special Team Background Pokemons available. SS Attatched

    Special Background ; 11
    Adventure Effect; 6
    Unown; 1


    Total Max Level 50 Pokemons= 99

    CP -500 = 1006

    CP 400-500 = 246

    CP 501-1500 = 1034

    CP 1200-1500 = 183

    CP 1501-2500 = 562

    CP 2200-2500 = 141

    CP 2500+ = 184

    CP 3000+ = 66

    CP 3500+ = 39

    CP 4000+ = 32

    CP 4500+ = 13

    CP 5000+ = 2

    PokeDex =

    Johto= 100
    Hoenn= 127
    Sinnoh = 84
    Unova= 137
    Kalos= 45
    Alola= 66
    Galar= 29
    Hisui= 3
    Paldea= 32

    YearWise Pokemons



    >Team Change Available
    >Name Change Available Instant
    > Gender Chanegable
    >Google log in Available & Changeable(Provided)
    >Facebook. log in Available
    >PTC can be Connect

    PTC Account= NO/NOT

    Elite Fast TMs = 2
    Elite Charge TM = 3
    All Kinds of Lures in Bag
    Few Egg Incubators
    Poffin = 12
    Master Ball= 1

    Rare Candies= 187
    Rare Candy XL= 129

    PLATINUMS = 35

    Pokemon space= 3000
    Item Bag Space = 2000

    Pokemon Caught = 155,976
    Pokestop Visited = 63,337

    XP = 391,580,110 (391M+)
    StarDust= 52,106,301 (52M+)

    Some screenshots are attached. You can ask for any screenshot which you feel you should look at. Feel free to contact.

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