Sold Level 46

Discussion in 'Legend of Solgard Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vango88, 1/9/22.

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  1. Vango88

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    My Location:
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    94 out of 106 characters
    Team power - 32244
    Best team - 31100 - high scoring and aggressive (Elderling, Fafnir, Bonebow, and Knivling)
    All characters under Legendary are fully maxed out in level and equipped with highest idols.
    All Legendary and Mythical have idols most are as high as they can have and leveled up as high as rank will allow.

    I've spent about 2 years, hundreds of hours and probably over $1,000 building this account up. This is an awesome purchase if interested in Solgard and looking to have a fully developed, very strong character right away. Screenshot_20220109-165618_Solgard.jpg Screenshot_20220109-165543_Solgard.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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