Selling Level 45 Battle Bay Account

Discussion in 'Battle Bay Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by •Jonathan•, 4/4/18.

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  1. •Jonathan•

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    Hello Everyone! I am selling my Level 45 Battle Bay Account. I have worked this account from the ground up over the course of one year and $5000 invested into the game. I am no longer interested in the game and am ready to move on, but I cannot do so without first handing this gem off to a willing buyer looking to get a head start in the game above everyone else. Details are below:

    Notable Weapons:
    Legendary Tier 2 Ballpark Mortar (lvl 20)
    Legendary Tier 1 Mine (lvl 10)
    Legendary Tier 1 Flare Gun (lvl 10)
    Legendary Tier 1 Blast Cannon (lvl 10)
    Legendary Tier 1 Big Shield (lvl 10)
    Legendary Tier 1 Tesla Bolt (lvl 3)
    Epic Tier 5 Big Torp (lvl 50)
    Epic Tier 5 Carronade (lvl 50)
    Epic Tier 5 Overboost (lvl 50)
    Epic Tier 5 Tesla Shield (lvl 50)
    Epic Tier 5 Bandage (lvl 50)
    Epic Tier 4 Tesla Bolt (lvl 40)
    Epic Tier 4 Nitro (lvl 40)
    Epic Tier 4 Turbo (lvl 40)

    — All Items Listed Above Are Equipped With All Epic Perks in Slots —

    —More items in Inventory to help build the ultimate ship you desire—

    Crewmember Trainings:
    Bhurt 27
    Mortimer 26
    Swift 30
    Isak 17
    Feelix 11
    Brock 27
    Sinklair 30
    Burnice 22
    Blastian 9
    Dr Buzzkill 28

    Screenshots are below:
    3 E40640 B C210 46 F3 A21 D 39334 EF70 A14 —
    747 D30 BE B693 4 F04 A0 CF 974 C9 FB8 DFC6 —
    DE213398 5 FE1 4 FDA 91 C0 D595 CA98 F284 —
    89 A7 A33 B D0 C6 416 B ADA9 E58160910 B8 B —
    03757 B36 7 AF8 4 C66 8 AB1 114 FA97 C8 CB8 —
    4 FB0 D1 E1 12 C5 446 F 9 D41 75 B398 B87143 —
    B58 C63 C8 FD7 C 4 EC0 85 C4 B86376 D212 E8 —
    BF10 C887 9 F9 C 46 B5 B40 F F424 BA5 EF4 C8 —
    9 E95 F181 76 F6 46 E2 9718 26 E702 C37722 —
    58 F5580 F 5866 4 AEF 8531 29436 ED1 CA49 —
    6 BBE2560 89 E9 44 CC 983 F 6 FDBCE288024 —
    7 C673 A05 EDBB 4 C6 E 9 AFD 878 C901 C5 A5 C —
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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