Sold level 415 |108 Skin Weapon | 73 Skin Outfit |1 Red Accessory (Oceanic Entanglements | 3 Red Weapon

Discussion in 'Naraka Bladepoint Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zmishe23, 12/1/24.

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  1. zmishe23

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    Info of Account

    Lv 415 - 108 Skin Legend Weapon -

    73 Skin Outfit Legendary - 1 Red Accessory

    (Oceanic Entanglements)

    - 3 Red Weapon (2674 * Encroaching Yin,

    Yi's Will, Dracoil) - 9 Red Outfit

    (Original Maiden, Vermillion Wings,

    A Chinese Ghost * High Heavens, Rong's Glory,

    Blistering Rage, Glacial Cascade,

    Wrathful Guardian, Wandering Firefly, Enlightened Conductor, ) - 110K Spectral Silk


    WHY US ?

    All our accounts are 100% SECURE. We do not sell any stolen accounts.

    We sell many accounts at very CHEAP price compared to other stores.

    Username & Password is changeable.

    Don't be shy to contact me to ask about anything!

    More Info of Account






















































































































































    #1 zmishe23, 12/1/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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