Selling Level 40 (almost 41) base for sale, very strong...

Discussion in 'War Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Martin Huiszoon, 11/25/14.

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  1. Martin Huiszoon

    Martin Huiszoon
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    Level 40 (almost 41) base for sale, very strong base with all events played and all prizes played free. All customs played free and have the following troops: (All of the below has personal Design played free) Elite Heavy Gunner, Elite Valkyrie, Elite Mortal Team, Elite Razorback, Elite Gatling Truck, Elite Suicide Truck, FAM (Flame Assault Vehicle),Elite Laser Tank, Elite Hellfire, Elite Gladiator, Elite Mega Tank, Elite Vanquisher, Vanquisher Commander (2 times), Behemonth, Elite Hover Tank, Reaper Drones, Elite Warhawk, Hellstorm, Hellstorm Commander, Wraith, Wraith Commander, Banshee. The unique items: Vanguard, Viper X, Crusader, Crusader X, Widowmaker. WidowMaker X, BFG (Big ******* Gun), Elite Titan, and the NEW: ONI MK. II (unlocked at the last event). All Building are at top level, only the resources building are not, but resources is no issue at this higher level. The account comes with over 450 depo’s (2,4 Milj. Metal & 2,2 Milj. Oil / hr). And a place in top 5 players Rank in my sector. This is the result of 4 years playing. This is one of the best players for sale. This account is a Kixeye account, login and play. My price is: € 200,-. If you’re interested, let me know.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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