Selling Level: 35 IGN: Foxieee Server: Asia ₱1 - San...

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trixia Laxamana, 6/17/16.

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  1. Trixia Laxamana

    Trixia Laxamana
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    Level: 35 IGN: Foxieee Server: Asia ₱1 - San Fernando, Pampanga With 32 Lubu, Wukong, Ace and 9 Fina Connected only to Netmarble VIA Smart Padala Only, Nakapagbenta na ako ng acc dito, ung main ko, kay sir Alvin Pm your best offer. Quitting
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    Alvin Juarez

    Alvin Juarez
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    trusted yan si mam!
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    Renmar Bonie

    Renmar Bonie
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    Marckee Talip

    Marckee Talip
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