Selling Level 320 G1 Account

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 4/7/15.

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  1. Games

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    30B DPH

    21B DEF

    1560 SP

    Divines: Full Set (1 Holy Plus)

    2x Eternals (Dark & Air Plus)

    1x Mystics

    11x Infinites

    14x Outers

    51x Elders

    3 Mines

    *Top 10% Arena, Wb, TB, & EB (no jewels necessary)*

    Cubie: g793968

    Line: kookyspooky

    (I will continue to build the account, so it will be better than what it is at right now when the sale is actually made)

    Payment: PayPal or MoneyPak

    The buyer will be paying first OR we will split the cost of an official middle man on playerup.


    how much are you looking for?

    List it on eBay and I'll buy it.

    Current offer on the account is 420$ USD by two bidders. I will be selling the account on the 27th of this month.

    UPDATE: 33B DPH level 332.

    Spooky I get payed on the 26th and purchase it for the full amount with a middleman Service

    Originally Posted by Edot123

    Spooky I get payed on the 26th and purchase it for the full amount with a middleman Service

    Hey Edot, I believe you messaged me on Cubie. One other bidder along with you offered 420$.

    *UPDATE 35B DPH*

    Ok if you have it still on the 26th message me on cubie
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