Selling  High End  Android Level 30 War Robots account for sale (Champions League) on Android

Discussion in 'War Robots Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pilot Mistov, 5/31/20.

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  1. Pilot Mistov

    Pilot Mistov
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    I have my fairly well equipped account for sale on android.

    2 hanger decks with 5 robot slots each.

    Pilots for all robots, with some at high levels and great pilot skills.

    Level 60 Kid titan with 2x level 7 Retaliators and level 11 Vengeance.
    Comes with 2x level 14 titan armour kits and 1x level 14 Singular Reactor.

    Robots in main hanger decks are:

    Invader MK2 level 5 (legendary pilot Stanislav Chen level 63)

    Leech level 10 (pilot level 38)

    Ravana MK2 level 4 (legendary pilot Arnav Poe level 54)

    Ao Jun MK2 level 4 (legendary pilot Alika Renner level 53)

    Ardent Blitz MK2 level 4 (legendary pilot Clive Vicious level 68)

    Robots in second hanger deck are:

    Behemoth level 9 (legendary pilot for phantom level 15)

    Blitz level 10 (pilot level 46)

    Loki level 10 (pilot level 44)

    Ancient Tyr level 11 (pilot level 53)

    Eldritch Ares level 10 (legendary pilot for Griffin level 46)

    Other robots are:

    Nemesis level 1
    Frozen Leech level 7
    Ao Jun level 1
    Deathwing Ao Jun level 1

    Weapons available are:

    2x Magnum MK2 level 12
    2x Rime level 9
    2x Sinister Rime level 10
    2x Blaze level 9
    4x Punisher MK2 (2x level 4, 2x level 5)
    3x Aphid MK2 level 5
    2x Sting level 11
    1x Halo level 1
    1x Quarker level 8
    1x Spark level 10
    2x Gekko MK2 level 5

    2x Taran (1x MK2 level 5, 1x level 11)
    3x Sinister Pulsar (2x level 9, 1x level 2)
    2x Ivory Scourge level 9
    4x Cryo level 8
    4x Punisher T MK2 (2x level 6, 2x level 4)
    3x Atomizor (2x level 9, 1x level 1)
    2x Hussar level 7
    2x Igniter (1x level 5, 1x level 4)
    2x Vortex level 5
    2x Molot T level 9

    2x Viper MK2 level 5
    4x Avalanche (2x level 8, 2x level 9)
    4x Glacier level 1
    3x Nucleon (2x level 9, 1x level 1)
    1x Ember level 7
    2x Avenger level 1
    4x Kang Dae level 8
    2x Nashorn level 11
    1x Trident level 1
    2x Thunder level 11

    Modules include:

    11x Armour Kit level 4
    5x Nuclear Reactor level 4
    3x Fortifier (2x level 2, 1x level 3)
    5x Last Stand (1x level 2, 2x level3, 2x level 4)
    1x Overdrive Unit level 2
    5x Heavy Armour Kit (1x level 2, 3x level1)
    1x Thermonuclear Reactor level 1

    I have nearly completed building a Phantom in the workshop (7330/10000)

    There are over 100x boosters available

    Based in the UK on android platform, and member of a good clan.

    I have to give up playing War Robots to save my marriage!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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