Selling  Average  Original Owner (Yes) Level 30, ice pick #, legend 50 stars

Discussion in 'Arena Breakout Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xXLevelUpXx, 4/1/24.

  1. xXLevelUpXx

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    Level 30, ice pick #, legend 50 stars
    The account has a beard of Santa Claus, Halloween glasses, an ice #, an account from the first season, all items were purchased in season stores for 3 seasons, a 12 kk warehouse, five thermals, an elite was purchased for 76 days and there is a 2x2 safe for 24 days, there are 8 boxes to increase the warehouse, 3 increases were purchased, battle pass for seasons 2 and 3 CD: 2690 raids for 14943 kills, survival rate 40.8%, there is a rabbit in the citadel, two helmets gold and silver and a secret document there are 5 keys to the valley and 2 keys with a key card from Arsenal, 1kk on balance

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