Selling a level 30 beta tester account with limited skins n stuff. I uninstalled the game so I don't have a list of skins but it has most 600 gem skins, some borders, and etc. I own most of the old gods and almost none of the new gods. (From skadi forward I don't think I've bought any new gods) things I remember about the account: Skins: ------------------------- Elite Agent - Apollo (600 gems) Swagni (600 gems) Triumph & Agni Olympian - Anhur Afro-Dite Grim Weaver - Arachne Soldier of Fortune - Ares Red Star - Athena Liberté - Athena Dominatrix - Bastet Arcane - Assassin Bastet Slaughterhouse - Chaac (600 gems) Grim Horseman - Guan Yu Grim Wraith - Hades He Bro - He Bo (600 gems) Solstice - Hel Grim Eclipse - Hou Yi Shaolin Monk-ey - Hun Batz Gatekeeper - Janus Keymaster - Janus JT-6000 - Janus Void Wyrm - Kukulkan Infiltrator - Loki Executioner - Nemesis Grim Shadow - Nox The Huntsman - Odin Worlds Collide - Odin Frankenhotep - Osiris Dreadbeard - Poseidon (600 gems) Solar Eclipse - Ra Alienware - Ra PrivaTyr King Ar-Tyr Sock PuppeTyr SPL 2015 (NA) - Xbalanque SPL 2015 (EU) - Xbalanque Icons: ---------------------- Hel If I Know Cutesy Thor WhooseGonnaWin (more but I don't remember) Loading Frames + Pedestal: ---------------------- Underworld Frame Celtic Frame (I think) I think I have a few season ticket frames too {Druid Shrine pedestal} I know I have a bunch of other crap but this is what I remember. I'm trying to sell this for 30$ and I've been scammed too many times in life so either you go first or no deal. I've also played paladins in beta or whatever you call it and its got 50k coins with most people unlocked I think. PM me or Add me on discord and we can talk Discord: Dillon#8466
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: eronikz Re: #1[/trigger]