Sold Level 30 account with ~100 skins (Rare skins acquired ~2010-2014) including Riot Nasus,...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Strong-Day4957, 12/6/24.

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  1. /u/Strong-Day4957

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    This is an old account on EUNE, havent played on it since ~2014-2015 with close to 100 skins.

    30 legacy skins, 5 legendary, 7 epic skins. Taking scumbag bids, will sell when it feels right. Feel free to DM me with any request such as screenshots for further visibility, or even regarding specific skins. Havent played in a while so I'm kinda out of touch, but some of the notable skins (to me) are these:

    Heartseeker Vayne / Jaximus / Kingpin Twitch / Muse Sona / Arcade Sona / Riot K-9 Nasus etc

    The only offer I have so far for this is €80 but I found "retail" account seller online with only Riot Singed has priced their account starting from 300 USD, so 80 euro feels low but there dont seem to be any interest in this account :( but feel free to DM any offer!

    # #/Strong-Day4957
    # .
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