Selling  Android and iOS  High End Level 27 account - 120,000 GOLD

Discussion in 'Battle Warship Naval Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by greatfellow, 9/12/21.

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  1. greatfellow

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    I have built this base to level 27 and working torwards level 28 to allow Orange planes. Some highlights:

    - Plenty of carriers. Around 30. 6 great carriers (6 x Nimitz A)
    - 122K gold, getting higher every day.
    - Base level is 27 meaning you are skipping 2 years buying this account.
    - Power is 85M.
    - Research is far. Development all done. Warfare alld one. Wharship skills are at 80% on alpha. Advanced Enhance is focused on now starting 10/10 quantity in a few days.
    - 20K T6 warships.
    - 2 red, 6 star planes.
    - 1 golden 6 star carrier.

    This is a great base for you if you do not want to waste years building but just want to use gold to get a nice attack carrier and be competitive.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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