Main Characters Faction: Clan Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Character is wearing ql 300 combined commando's with ofab gloves/pants. character has Alien combat directive controller and all alpha symbiants. Tons of items in the bank. Select the number of characters over Level 100: Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Neuter Alternate Characters Level: 174 Alternate Characters Breed: Atrox Alternate Characters Profession: Enforcer Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): very well twinked with high number of pvp kills and duels. all research completed aswell as all alien levels completed. ql 270 kyr'ozch axes with ql 270 combined mercinaries and ql 240-ish custom implants Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Female Alternate Characters Level: 178 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Meta-Physicist Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): mostly just a buffing toon, has some decent gear though Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 150 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Bureaucrat Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): very well built character with the dreadloch pistol equiped in right hand and ql 175 ofab pistol in off hand. High quality implants and ql 200-ish combined sharpshooters armor. all alien levels and research completed. Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 100 Alternate Characters Breed: Nano Alternate Characters Profession: Nano Technician Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): work in progress to be twinked at 100ish for pvp wars. All Assets (Describe): All characters have huge amounts of items that have been collected over several years. Including NODROP items that can never be found again. The soldier has around 100k victory points while the enforcer has well over 200,000 victory points. There is also a level 75 very well built enforcer and a level 40 keeper. All Tradeskills (Describe): All Nanos (Describe): tons of nanos in bags and ID discs. all characters have all their nanos uploaded for their current level. All Tokens (Describe): all characters have maximum token boards Additional Information about 3 years to make these characters, soldier has over 100 days play time. Involved int he top PVP clan organization on RK1 with all characters Total Currency 300000000 Email Address [email protected]