Main Characters Faction: Clan Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 4 - Good Gear, Average to Good Gear Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Basic spirits and armor, near all endgame quests done. Select the number of characters over Level 100: Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 150 Alternate Characters Breed: Nano Alternate Characters Profession: Meta-Physicist Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Fully twinked, 2:1+ duel ratio, ready to use straight from the box. All Assets (Describe): Lots of items gathered over years of playtime, have most things a player would need. All Tradeskills (Describe): None All Nanos (Describe): All Tokens (Describe): Shade and mp have 2.5k/1k boards respectively. Additional Information Total Currency 500000000 Email Address [email protected]