Tradeskills: all Nanos: all Tokens: 700 Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear Describe All Characters Equipment: Please List All Gear And Character: 118 mp, good gear Please List All Gear And Character: 170 advy good setup, stripped mostly Please List All Gear And Character: 171 kiting mule Please List All Gear And Character: 66 enfo, good setup Please List All Gear And Character: 30 trader 200 imps How many alts over Level 100: Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2 Alternate Character Level: 118 Alternate Character Profession: #-Physicist Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2 Alternate Character Level: 170 Alternate Character Profession: Adventurer Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2 Alternate Character Level: 171 Alternate Character Profession: Nano Technician Additional Information good account, with lots of twinks and great IP setups, engi has a d shark, very sick sick sick damage.