Main Characters Faction: Clan Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 6 - Best Gear In Game, Cant Get Better Main Characters Equipment (Describe): ql300 combined merc/ofab set up.2 beast hammers and full alpha symbiants.He is game end complete and he ROCKS!He can tank ANY instance of game.Has a VERY good reputation.All research done and AI 30.Hes set up for pvm Select the number of characters over Level 100: Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Female Alternate Characters Level: 220 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Bureaucrat Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): ql300 combined sharpshooter sleeves/ql275 CSS pants/upgraded ofab for rest.1 upgraded lust in right hand and regular lust in other.Full aplha symbs.Research all done and AI level 29.This toon also rocks!!A fav of mine to play.Good reputation/set up pvm but has troaler pistol in inventory(could be made pvp with very little effort)A charm to play.Game end toon for raiding Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 220 Alternate Characters Breed: Nano Alternate Characters Profession: Nano Technician Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): ql300 combined scouts sleeves/ql300 ofab helm upgraded/300 CS boots.Symbs are decent with a few betas in place and all intell in inventory.His gear needs a little work but he could be made into a pvp monster with a bit of work.Was my first toon.His damage is insane..... Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 220 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Doctor Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): 7 alpha symbs in place/still needs 1 or 2 betas to complete(has rest of intells in inventory)Has both doc pistols left and right hand equipped.He casts all nanos and can heal ANY instance ingame.QL250ish CSS sleeves/rest is ql300 upgraded ofab and a reanimated healer robe5/5.He is a joy to play.Can solo ALOT of the game(docs do that ) Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Female Alternate Characters Level: 217 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Engineer Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Has DB3 shoulders complete/ql 200ish combined comando sleeves.ql300 ofab head/back/gloves upgraded.Has 1 engis pistol upgraded in 1 hand and non upgarded engi pistol in other(can be upgarded now with perk reset,was my last toon I was building)Can trade skill alot of ingame items,with perk reset can make ql300 armour.Symbiants are decent but still need work.Does not have final engi pets(still needs informant instance and biodome for nanos/pet)Toon damage is VERY decent.Could be made into a pvp monster with some work(I was heading there) Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 150 Alternate Characters Breed: Atrox Alternate Characters Profession: Soldier Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Toon has had armour stripped and handed to my engi.He has highest ql symbs for his level.Ql200 p blaster weapon.He wails 15k full auto and 5-7k burst.He was my S10 instance toon for years and made me wealthy ingame.Could be rebuilt with a bit of work in armour. All Assets (Describe): Way too many to describe.My enfo has rareist item ingame(Omnitek gunship)All 200+ toons have inferno boots and HHAB's All Tradeskills (Describe): Engi can TS ql300 armour with a perk reset.Can TS alot of ingame items but still only 217 All Nanos (Describe): only my engi needs game end nanos.All other 200+ toons have all/cast all selfed.All instances done other then engineer. All Tokens (Describe): enfo has top board(defense),crat has 2600 tokens and needs S28 instance for paragon to finish her off(has LOX defense board).Doc has 4k tokens and LOX defense board.Engi has 4kish tokens and LOX defense/offense board(changeable for instance/team at time)Soldier has top board for his level and probably 3k tokens Additional Information Ive played 8.5 years.Ive a very solid reputation and a shitload of credits.Also on account are a level 76 soldier twink wearing combined commaando and a 25 twink soldier wearing ql75 ofab.The lucky person to buy this account will immediately be able to eenjoy all game end instances on my 200+ toons. Total Currency 550000000 Email Address [email protected]