Sold Level 220 Enforcer Atrox Neuter RK1 - Atlantean

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/7/15.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Faction: Clan
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): The enforcer has every item ingame except a set of ai armor,it has full alpha symbs, 1he 1hb lox weps, fully upgraded belts, most items from pande (the good ones), DB armor set, alappa armor, boc beast pads
    Select the number of characters over Level 100:
    Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean
    Alternate Characters Gender: Neuter
    Alternate Characters Level: 217
    Alternate Characters Breed: Atrox
    Alternate Characters Profession: Agent
    Alternate Characters Faction: Clan
    Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Has decent equipment, all endgame items (boc, lox wep, lox belts, tnh belts, apf items, etc)
    Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean
    Alternate Characters Gender: Male
    Alternate Characters Level: 170
    Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus
    Alternate Characters Profession: Martial Artist
    Alternate Characters Faction: Clan
    Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Has all items needed to become a tl5 PVP twink, (nodrop items like ring of computing etc), fotd, pen fist nano, pen molar, etc. some hard symbs (vig) already twinked in and its wearing twink imps :)
    Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean
    Alternate Characters Gender: Neuter
    Alternate Characters Level: 150
    Alternate Characters Breed: Atrox
    Alternate Characters Profession: Enforcer
    Alternate Characters Faction: Clan
    Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): Greatest pvp twink ever. lvl 150 has EVERY possible item needed. has boc and beast pads JUST FOR SOCIAL! can defeat every other 150 twink and several 170+ twinks aswell :) I can provide pvp tips if you contact me!
    Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean
    Alternate Characters Gender: Neuter
    Alternate Characters Level: 160
    Alternate Characters Breed: Atrox
    Alternate Characters Profession: Fixer
    Alternate Characters Faction: Clan
    Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): has ga4 and is a great blitzer for missions and unkillable in pvp since it has ga4 ;P also has smg (syndicate messenger gun) and max symbs
    All Assets (Describe): all nodrop phats are on enf and agent, db armor, lox items, pande items, collector items, etc
    All Tradeskills (Describe): none of the chars can tradeskill. the agent can if you want it to, you place the ip how u want ;p
    All Nanos (Describe): All chars mentioned have all the top nanos castable by them. agent and enfo have db quests done, and nanos are uploaded. enf also has apf nanos (top challenger)
    All Tokens (Describe): enf / agent have 3000+ tokens and hence have the maximum token boards 150 enf has 1500 tokens and has max token board for his level

    Additional Information

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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