Main Characters Faction: Clan Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear Main Characters Equipment (Describe): He has final ai gear all db armor, xan weps, some xan symbs, dust bridge questss done fully, full beast gear, all belts, full ofab need some work but with little effort could become outstanding, research almost maxed Select the number of characters over Level 100: Alternate Characters Server: RK1 - Atlantean Alternate Characters Gender: Male Alternate Characters Level: 212 Alternate Characters Breed: Solitus Alternate Characters Profession: Soldier Alternate Characters Faction: Clan Alternate Characters Equipment (Describe): he has most stuff to hit 220 some beast gear little xan gear, full ofab avarage reesearch and ai levels All Assets (Describe): All Tradeskills (Describe): All Nanos (Describe): All Tokens (Describe): Additional Information this account would not be up for sale if i didnt have a child and had more time on my hands with a little work could become a great account, there are many toons on the account 100+ remebering the gear and everything is imposible the account has been open a good few years remebering it would be a job. Total Currency 300000000 Email Address [email protected]