Tradeskills: all of the nesecerry ones Nanos: all of them Tokens: 2k+ Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear Describe All Characters Equipment: How many alts over Level 100: Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1 Alternate Character Level: 216 Alternate Character Profession: Soldier Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1 Alternate Character Level: 174 Alternate Character Profession: Doctor Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1 Alternate Character Level: 188 Alternate Character Profession: Nano Technician Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1 Alternate Character Level: 152 Alternate Character Profession: Adventurer Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1 Alternate Character Level: 118 Alternate Character Profession: Bureaucrat Additional Information The main character the enforcer has 22 alien levels and alot of the pande gear and twinking gear and all sorts of quest gear from everywhere and all sorts of quests accomplished, over 2k tokens and all the best weapons ingame, very very high pvp title which is really really hard to get now days because of the new pvp system my best twink on the account is 174 and has 21 alien levels which is hard to accomplish for such a low level, all characters are very well rounded and have alot of time and money invested in them, years of hard work