Attack 5766 (+2454) Defense 5763 (+3470) Health 1900 (+482) Energy 1142 Stamina 1111 Pierce resistance with my 6* Katherine (level 76) 1015 Pierce attack with my 6* Annika (level 80) 954 Divine power 1110 Legendary gear: Helm of the dragon-lord, Flamebound Destroyer, Thanatos Plate, Thanatos Gauntlet, Doom Heart, Deathgauntlet, Astaroth Blade, Magmaflame, Warrior Spirit Medal, Divine Helm of Zeus, Titan Aetherfury Elite Warbanners: Deliverance (blue), Warmonger (red), Oakforce (green). Best hit: 69M Heroes: Annika (6*, 80), Katherine (6*, 76), Dolomar (4*, 69), Guinevere (5*, 54), The Butcher (2*, 50), Mischa (2*, 49), Daphne (1*, 43), Astrid Hrothbeort (6*, 43), Rose Hrothbeort (5*, 41), Vivian (4*, 33), Timekeeper (3*, 28), Dawn (2*, 28) and many more (Orc King, Gabrielle, Kang, Maalvus, Bogo, Alistair, Tora, Andraste, Jessica, Alloken, Grombeard, Luno, Grok) Screenshots available on anything you want to see.