Selling Level 150 guardian | millions ingame $ | hundreds of Z tokens | $200 OBO

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Accounts | Buy AQ Account' started by DevinTheMisfit, 12/1/15.

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  1. DevinTheMisfit

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    I'm selling my adventurequest account, I've had it since I was 13 (I just turned 19), and i just never use it anymore so I'm trying to make cash off of my hard work that I put into this account. I haven't logged into it in over 6 months, so Im typing the info based on memory. Will provide screenshots as soon as I get access to a computer, but the price is $1 for every level, plus $50 for the work I put into it. Most classes are rank 10, going from memory I'm 100% certain that necromancer, dracomancer, wizard, mage, paladin, knight, rogue, and ninja are all rank 10. I'm sure there's other classes as well, but those are the ones I'm sure are rank 10.

    Kik me: DevinTheMisfit96
    Email me: [email protected]
    Or PM me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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