Level 131 For Rs Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Simple and easy trade, i will not go first but i will give the account after i recieve the money on my new account and then over or vent or or even here i will transfer the info and its all yours LEVEL 131 WITH 10 DAYS OF MEMBERSHIP LEFT I am the original owner after 5 years of playing I want to start fresh with some cash on a new account, I'm willing to leave me santa hat and cash on the account if the offer is fair enough and the account has great ways of making cash from skilling-abyssal demons Im not going to deal with any scammers and i will also be giving all the info to the account from the first password ever to all the current info, Let me know if you are interested in trading RSGP for my account and I'm not going first no matter what HURRY AND MAKE YOUR OFFERS WHILE THERE IS STILL MEMBERSHIP ON THE ACCOUNT
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