Selling   level 126/138 99wc on osrs! 50str 50atk on osrs g maul ready to build

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by g59bmx, 2/24/20.

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  1. g59bmx

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    hello selling my rs3 account due to being on chemo to save my organ transplant thank you for looking for a great day
    pets from skilling: crabbe/smithy/kangali/morty/shamini/brains
    level 126/138 13 99's
    194/278 quest points!

    64m cash and abunch of random odd items in bank non member so not botber selling them!
    has 3k overloads for bossing!
    amulet of souls blood fury two firecapes!

    four lucky chaotics and one normal chaotic crossbow

    2361 total level,
    Screenshot - f9e2e814706a78fbfc40fa9c2332c4a3 - Gyazo overloads
    Screenshot - 3d35d59e0dc7fbce77cc557fc7b06b1c - Gyazo capes and untrades
    Screenshot - e47493a28d4c255b45e70f871665dfb0 - Gyazo ban meter
    Screenshot - 44b8964ee119c03a74234ec509357df5 - Gyazo stats
    Screenshot - ff1b72cf0b39ce2ef5b5379b3fca5108 - Gyazo quests
    Screenshot - aacafca57cca222fa7d3468410fb6f72 - Gyazo outfits and other misc items
    #1 g59bmx, 2/24/20
    Last edited: 2/24/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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