Selling  iOS  High End Level 11 Ship with ALOT of Crew and alot of good Items Great Account with alot of perspective

Discussion in 'Pixel Starships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mcwhity, 6/19/21.

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  1. Mcwhity

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    Hey guys. I am selling my Pixel Starships Account that just got to Level 11. It has alot of great Crew. You can actually Play the game, Level the crew up you want and upgrade it to the Strategy you choose.

    It has alot of great Items in it. It has 338 DOVES from in app purchases and i was really lucky with some Item rolls.

    For Example. Aldara with 42 RST, Raven Swam with 6% abl, Noscope 360 with 43 RST , Giga Loader with 12% ABL. DMR MK 2 with 2 HP Visri Master Gunner with 2 hp and one with Stamina and some more items. I made alot of purchases so you have all the options that you want to have on this account. It also has 9 Steel barriers. Just the items combined should be easily more than 50000 Bux ( IAP 14,7k Bux are 110€)

    For Bedrooms i can have 19 crew.
    I have Zero 7 Star crew. So all crew can be prestiged the way YOU want. Some of them are Level 40 and waiting for prestige. Some of them are still Level 1.

    There are also some 6 Star crew like Xeon, Dolores, Harmony Dragon, King Ellie, Brito Tank, Washingtron, Namith and probably more i forgot to mention

    You have all the potential you need in this Account and it would be a waste to let it die

    I played on IOS.. i dont know if that matters

    Add me on Discord if you want more infos

    Mcwhity #4594
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