64 out of my 78 heros are level 100 All of those 64 heroes are completely leveled up and most are also fused to the max and have 7 stars I have also enchanted a lot of my heros equipment I have awakened 7 heroes and one more will be done in the next few days I'm in server 002 Moonguard and have been playing this game soon after the game came out Everything is opened up and available to play I'm VIP level 9 and a member of the second placed ranked guild (used to be the top ranked guild) I've completed the campaign on normal difficulty (all levels 3 starred) and I'm on the last page of the heroic campaign I have a bunch of items and fragments to add to my heroes and level them up but I'll let the new owner decide how to use them I have put a lot of time and money into this game and I want someone else to be able to enjoy the progress I've made I have uploaded as many pictures as I'm allowed to so that you can see my heroes