Selling  Europe  Level 100 or Higher  5 or Higher Level 100 Personal Account - Selling w/ Rare Vehicles + Some Top Tier

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by KillionaireUK, 5/4/23.

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  1. KillionaireUK

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    Selling my personal Level 100account, as I have lost interest in the game.
    Here is a brief overview of TECH TREE tiers unlocked for each nation:


    US - Tier 7 (M1A2, ADATS, M1128)
    Germany - Tier 5 (SPz BMP-1, Marder A1)
    USSR - Tier 5 (T-54)
    UK - Tier 4 (G6, FV4005)
    Japan - Tier 4 (Type 75 SPH, M41A1)
    China - Untouched
    Italy - Tier 3 (R3 T20, Sherman Vc)
    France - Tier 3 (ARL-44, M4A4)
    Sweden - Tier 3 (Pvkv II)
    Israel - Untouched


    US - Tier 7-8 (F-14, F4J, F4E)
    Germany - Tier 7 (MiG-21MF)
    USSR - Tier 7 (MiG-27M)
    UK - Tier 6 (Jaguar GR.1, Harrier GR.1, Javelin Mk.9,)
    Japan - Tier 6 (Mitsubishi T2)
    China - Basically Untouched (A few researched low tiers here and there)
    Italy - Basically Untouched (A few researched low tiers here and there)
    France - Tier 4, Researching Tier 5 (F8F-1B, F4U-7)
    Sweden - Tier 7 (J35D, JA37)
    Israel - Untouched

    Not gonna bother with Naval, theres a few here and there but I'll leave them out, barring premiums further down.

    Here is an overview on PREMIUM AND RARE/EVENT VEHICLES for each nation, and their rough price either in Gaijins, Golden Eagles and/or GBP(£) as of 04/05/2023. (Not all premiums will be included here i.e. low tier/starter pack premiums)

    US Ground

    M8-LAC - 147.05 Gaijins
    M5A1 Twitch Drop - Unobtainable
    T55E1 - Unobtainable
    Calliope - 9,740 GE, Roughly £60
    M6A2E1 - 117.65 Gaijins
    XM-1(GM) - £53.99

    US Air

    XP-55 - 3,900GE, Roughly £25
    P-40E1 Twitch Drop - Unobtainable
    US BF-109 F4 - 1,450 GE, Roughly £10
    P-51 D-20NA - £26.99
    P-47M-1-RE - Currently Unobtainable, May Return for Event Sales, Roughly 6k GE (£35-40)
    F2G-1 - 26 Gaijins
    F-89B and F-89D - F-89B: 7,540GEs, F-89D Upgrade: 3,770GEs. Total: 11,310GE (Roughly £65-70)
    F86-F35 Skyblazer: Unobtainable, May Return for Event Sales, Roughly £50
    F11-F1: 60 Gaijins (Blue Angels Camouflage Equipped: 200 Gaijins)
    A10-A Pack: £60
    F-5C Pack: £60
    AH-64A Peten US Pack: Unobtainable Now? As the Peten has moved to the Israeli Tech Tree, so I think you can't get the US version anymore.

    US Naval

    USS Detroit - Unobtainable
    USS Helena - 8,020GE, Roughly £50

    Germany Ground

    Panzer III J1, Twitch Drop: Unobtainable
    Sd.Kfz.251.22: Unobtainable?
    KWII 754: 1,750GE Roughly £10
    Brummbar: 2,980GE
    KW I C 756: 2,980GE
    Tiger II H SLA.16 Pack: £36
    Bfw. Jagdpanther G1: 6,090GE
    Maus: Unobtainable until Anniversary Event
    Leopard A1A1 L/44 Pack: £54

    Germany Air

    Ar 196 A-3: Unobtainable?
    IL-2 1942: 850GE
    BV-238: 1,840GE:
    BV-155 B1: 16 Gaijins
    P-47D: Replaced by the newer P-47D-16, so I think unobtainable.
    Ta-154: 1,450GE
    Do 335 B-2: 4,880GE
    Ju-288C: 4,880GE

    Germany Naval

    Z25 - Unobtainable?
    Z20 Karl Galster - Unobtainable ATM, May return for GE, Around 6,000.

    USSR Ground

    BT-7 Twitch Drop: Unobtainable
    RBT-5: 50 Gaijins
    BM-8-24: 3,850GE
    T-34-57: 1,750GE
    KV-122: 4,880GE
    IS-2 "Revenge": Unobtainable
    T-34-100: 6,090GE
    T-10A: 48 Gaijins
    T-55AM-1: £54
    T-72AV TURMS-T: £54

    USSR Air

    Po-2M: 5 Gaijins
    ITP-M1: 17 Gaijins
    Be-6: 3,850GE
    Su-11: 7,480GE
    MiG 17AS: Unobtainable
    Su-7BMK: £54
    MiG-21PFM: 42 Gaijins
    Ka-50: £45

    USSR Naval

    Ya-5M: Unobtainable
    Voroshilov: Unobtainable?

    UK Ground

    Matilda Hedgehog: 7.50 Gaijins
    Sherman IC Trzyniec: 2,980GE
    Black Prince: Unobtainable, May Show Up during Black Friday
    Centurion Mk 5 AVRE: £45
    Centurion Mk 5/1: 60 Gaijins
    Rooikat 105: £54

    UK Air

    Swordfish Mk.II: Unobtainable
    DB-7: 15 Gaijins
    Hurricane Mk I/L FAA M: Unobtainable
    Spitfire F Mk IX C: 475 Gaijins
    Wyvern S4: £27
    Harrier GR.1: 9,090GE

    UK Naval

    Dark Aggressor Twitch Drop: Unobtainable

    Japan Ground

    Chi-Ha Short Gun: 1,000GE
    Chi-Nu II: 1,600GE
    Type 74G: Unobtainable

    Japan Air

    F4U-1A: 1,150GE
    A7M1 NK9H: 2,190GE
    A6M6c: 31 Gaijins
    A6M5 Ko: £17
    Ki-87: 6,090GE
    J6K1: 110 Gaijins
    F86-F40 JASDF: 8,560GE

    Japan Naval

    PG-02: 3,850GE


    A-5C: £54


    Toldi IIa: Unobtainable

    France Ground

    B1 Ter: 1,300GE
    LVT-4/40: Unobtainable
    M4A1 FL10: 2,980GE
    E.B.R. 1954: Unobtainable
    AMX-30 Super: £54

    France Air

    D-371 H.S.9: Unobtainable
    P-40F-5 Lafayette: 850GE
    P-39Q-25: 24 Gaijins
    Yak-3: 1,600GE
    Vautour IIA IDF: Unobtainable

    Sweden Ground

    SAV 20.12.48: Unobtainable
    STRV 103-0: 8,380GE

    Sweden Air

    Fokker D.XXI: 700GE
    Pyorremyrsky: 1,600GE
    BF 109 G-6: 4,880GE
    J29D: Unobtainable

    M901 - Purchased
    A-4E Early - Purchased
    Me 262 A1a/U1 - Purchased
    Leopard 2 PL - Purchased
    SKR-7 - Purchased
    Su-22M3 - Researched, Not Purchased
    BMP-2M - Purchased
    Firecrest - Purchased
    IJN Shimakaze - Purchased

    Open To Offers
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