Level 100 account in World Dwalin 252 5 cities most of all rune crafted 194 Attack buff and 187 Life buff 2-3 Heroes 250 lvl in each city 11 Hero's Glory (L250) 51 Hero's Renown (L250) Many lowers Renowns and Glorys Tons of Furys and Invulnerability Runes 2 bil Might and over 10 bil Might in troop items From equip : Sting , Tauriel Bow , Orcrist , 5-6 Beorns Axes and Beorns Axes I, Oakenshields, (I) , Bards Black Arrow, 2 Elrods Gold Ring ,2 One rings , Bards Ring and many more 1/3 Of skills unlocked Tauriel III , Beorn II , Radagast III and many more Gems in armor and lvl 6 Artamir , lvl 7 and lvl 8 free to be used!!! Tons of speed ups 78 Hobbit Building Crew , 97 Runecrafters , 121 Lake-town Architects 200+ Galadriels Tokens and 25 Tauriels Mail me please with serious offers. Whatever other information you may need just ask me. Thank you in advance