If interested pls dm me on discord:zerjia#6517 https://steamcalculator.com/id/zerjia https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198342951870 https://steamcommunity.com/id/zerjia C/O: offer idk? BIN: 300$ I take paypal & mobilepay if you have that. (Im not gonna pay for middleman. If you want it either go first or pay for middleman service) Basic info: Level 100 Steam 103 Games Notable Games: CS 1.6 - 1.8K hours CSS - 1.5K hours CS:CZ - 120 hours CS:CZds - 332 hours CSGO - 7.4K hours Quake Live - 1.4K hours Outlast + whistleblower dlc Portal 2 + six dlc PUBG PayDay 2 Thief The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Saints Row 2 Lets Draw Shadow Warrior Just Cause 3 Arma 3 Insurgency COD: MW2 GTA: SA bumping this bumping this