Selling Level 1-25 Boosting To Play Ranked! Very Safe Using playerup Middleman!

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by pemberton20, 9/5/17.

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  1. pemberton20

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    I am providing boosting services to get people from level 1-25 on OverWatch so you can play Ranked.

    However, I am using playerup as a Middleman for safety assurance to both me and you. If you want, we could just do a standard PayPal transaction for the boost.


    Very Important: I will only be servicing those within the US due to the location that I live in. This is to prevent any potential bans.

    Information Needed For Boost

    *Account Login Email*
    *Account Password*
    *Region Character Name*
    *Have your authenticator & sms protection removed*


    When are you available?
    I'm available through Eastern Standard Time and will more or less be active by 10:00AM - 12AM

    How fast is your power leveling services?
    Going from rank 1-25 should only take me a few days (1-3 days at most). This will all be done by hand.

    Would you # me?
    No, I treat this as professional as any job. You would still have your personal info (e-mail and real name) to recover your account anyways. I have no interest in your account besides completing the services that you ordered.

    Will I get banned?
    It isn't likely since I'll be the only one playing on your account. However, you should acknowledge that boosting is against ToS for any game. It's very very unlikely to happen and you will receive a refund up to 100% if it does happen.

    Do you do custom orders?
    Of course! Just make sure to PM me and we can come up with a price.

    How do I know my order is finished?
    You will be contacted as soon as your boost is finished.

    Can I play during powerleveling?
    Only if I say that it's okay or if I give you a timeframe from when I'll be asleep and such.!134431114/
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