Account details Around 19,200 Playcount And 9 days playtime Ranked around #149,000 Around 3,500pp in total Country ranking around #810 10 Followers, 14 watched replays, 50 medals Maximum Combo - Around 1,050 Level - 82 Details are not accurate to avoid this account being reported. If you want more info contact me on my Discord acc listed below. You can pay with: Paypal F&F or Crypto - BTC Contact: Ground#6292
bro really? your acc is flagged with "high risk", you tried to scam me so i made fun of you and now you're trying to what?
lmfao i dont know why have that tag but i have gived money there have the cap photo of the payment and i have the paypal payment id
lmfao u proof i am liar just send ur paypal record to me i have send it out the payment record i have proof it lmfao how i deceive ?
Well, I paid up, he spent 4 days or so dodging, gave me details that were wrong, told me it was his friend's acc, when he said he didn't have qn acc he denied a refund so yes, he is a scammer, before buying anything here, make sure they don't share the same location as this dude, he's just gonna take your money, man really offered me a 2 dollar gatari invite lol