LegendGamerz Gunz Account *Cheap*

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    LegendGamers Gunz is a new pserver in the Gunz industry that offers better service than IJJI/NA gunz. This pserver gives you the premium items of ijji as bounty items, and lets you buy prems that aren't know to other gunz servers. This private server does not have unbalanced items, and is much more reliable than other private survers..

    I am selling a lvl 85 female

    I am a totally legit trader, but i must go first.

    I am no longer playing gunz, because i think my girlfriend is much more important and i no longer have any free time. If you are a serious buyer, pm me, or IM me on MSN at . I think $20 is a great buy for this account, but everything is #.

    Good luck to all..

    I am done playing GUNZ altogether. through my numerous years of playing i have racked up quite a few high lvl accounts on random private servers. I have more than a few high lvl accounts on legendgamers gunz. they range in lvl from 70-90. although you lvl faster in private servers, it takes a very long time to get them to this lvl because lvling becomes exponential. i am selling these accounts, depending on the lvls, from 15USD to 30USD depending on the ammount of bids. I AM SELLING THESE VERY CHEAP, YOU WILL NOT FIND A BETTER DEAL. i have already sold a few, and will continue to sell them until all of my accounts are gone. these accounts are all legitamate. I have been playing gunz since 2003.. so there are A LOT of extra accounts. please pm me or add me on msn @

    Hmm... any accounts 70+ i can get for 10$?

    The cheapest i can sell you an account for is $15 but everything is #. add me on msn @ . I have a few accounts from lvl 71-78. What name would you like it to be.... i can give you some similar names that i have. I like legend gunz, it is turning into one of the best servers. i will see what i have to accomodate your needs.
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