Selling  Level 36-39 Legendary Super Lvl38 Handmade Poekmon Go Account Full Pokedex Must See Description,pics&videos

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by mahmoud36, 2/11/18.

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  1. mahmoud36

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    This is my main and only account, it took a lot of hard work and time, never used any kind of bots, the only thing i used is very safe "Manual" sniping max 5 per day 3 to 4 hours apart so there is no slightest risk of ban.

    Video for all Pokemons by CP

    Video for 100iv & +90iv Pokemons

    Complete Latest Pokedex "325 Pokemon"

    Update >>

    Mewtwo x2
    Kyogre x15
    Mewtwo pass for February 18th
    All the New listed Gen3 Pokemons "all 100iv"





    Team Valor "red", Name & Mail Changeable

    Account Pokemon x1088

    Legendary Pokemon x126

    +2000CP Pokemon x888
    +3000CP Pokemon x55
    +4000CP Pokemon x2
    100iv Pokemon x195
    +90iv Pokemon x69

    - At least one pokemon of each

    - All Catchable Gen3 is 100iv With very high level "30+"

    - All region Pokemons

    - All Baby Pokemons "from eggs only"

    - Many Ditto with two 100iv

    - All Unown letters with one 100iv

    - All raids only Pokemon

    - +1400 Items with all you can nead in playing + all the upgrade stones

    - all different hats of pikachu and raichu + shiny both + 100iv both

    - Many invincible pokemons including +3000 Blissey-tyranitar-dragonite all with 100iv

    Most Srong Pokemons List:

    > Legendaries:
    Mewtwo x1
    moltres x12
    articuno x12
    zapdos x12
    lugia x12
    ho-oh x12
    entei x22
    raikou x12
    suicune x16
    groudon x13
    kyogre x2

    dragonite x30 "100iv x8"
    tyranitar x28 "100iv x5"
    blissey x26 "100iv x6"
    snorlax x30 "100iv x7"
    charizard x13 "100iv x1"
    blastoise x12 "100iv x1"
    venusaur x12 "100iv x1"
    alakazam x13 "100iv x1"
    machamp x13 "100iv x1"
    arcanine x22 "100iv x1"
    golem x22 "100iv x2"
    muk x11
    gengar x14 "100iv x1"
    exeggutor x22
    rhydon x23 "100iv x2"
    magikarp x12 "shiny x4"
    gyaradous x22 "100iv x3" "shiny x1"
    lapras x22 "100iv x2"
    ditto x12 "100iv x2"
    vaporeon x21 "100iv x2"
    jolteon x21 "100iv x1"
    flareon x21 "100iv x2"
    ampharos x13 "100iv x1"
    meganium x12 "100iv x1"
    typhlosion x12 "100iv x1"
    feraligatr x15 "100iv x2"
    espeon x12 "100iv x12"
    umbreon x12 "100iv x12"
    ursaring x22 "100iv x3"
    donphan x21

    Update >>

    Mewtwo x2
    Kyogre x15
    Mewtwo pass for February 18th
    All the New listed Gen3 Pokemons "all 100iv"



    Price: 1000$ "Paypal"
    Contact Information:
    [email protected]
    whatsapp: +201113304111
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Likes Received:
    Update >>

    Mewtwo x3
    Kyogre x15
    Rayquaza x7
    All the New listed Gen3 Pokemons "all 100iv"

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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