Selling Legacy account for sale (8 yrs 10 mo), last name Destiny.

Discussion in 'Second Life Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HateSymbol, 1/7/17.

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  1. HateSymbol

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    Don't use this account, comes with ONA Nauha, Avatar 2.0, couple hairs. Want to sell it for L$15,000. Plenty of mods for kemono, but no kemono avatar. The reason I ask so much is because the name. Unique and desirable with the first name. Send me a PM if you're interested in learning first name. Account is clean, no bans, clear on friends and groups. (Minus Second Life Beta for sim access.)

    - - - Updated - - -

    I forgot to mention that the name CAN be unisex, but in my opinion it is more feminine. Also, price is definitely #, just had to have a starting point.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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