Selling Legacy account created since 2011 tons of stuff...

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sixgod Noctis, 1/27/16.

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  1. Sixgod Noctis

    Sixgod Noctis
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    Legacy account created since 2011 tons of stuff from early stages This account was created in 2011, when the game officially released. I have over 170 alt avatars including Ultimate avatars, Gold avatars from years ago, and ofcourse tons of limited edition alt avatars, also got a couple of alt avatars from collections such as the seven deadly sins, or the four horsemen. got badass announcer pack, seductive pack, breakycpk pack, british pack and flamboyant pack. got 5 couriers which nyan cat is the most important of. got 4 taunts, Gore, Fist of Sol, Kongor, and Chiprel taunt. got 3 name colours Stardust green, Aquamarine, and diamond. I got a sub account with 132 games and 1555 mmr in normal 1650 mmr in casual and 1650 mmr in public, on my main account i have 769 games played, 1600 mmr in normal 1650 mmr in casual and 1650 mmr in public. This account is buyable for 100$ Paypal accepted, can mail [email protected] for more questions or add Sixsies on skype. i am the only owner of this account aswel
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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