Leave your contact information when trading!

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    I noticed that some users do not leave MSN/AIM (or any other form of contact) when trading.

    Why is that? Most of the time its for the reasons specified below.

    Its there 'main' MSN/AIM (or any other form of contact) and they don't want random people adding them.

    They are a scammer; they'll get your contact information and then add you with one that isn't theirs and they'll attempt to scam you.

    Basically the same point as number two, they are a scammer whose too lazy to create a new contact to add you from.If you're seriously trying to trade but don't want to give away your main contact info, create a new one purposely for trading! There is really no point in not giving away.

    Also, if you want to fix the random people adding you, have them leave a post in your thread with their contact information. If they can't do it, delete + block.

    Any new threads after this post without any form of contact will result in being closed and they user will be warned. You will have 24-48 hours to add it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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