Sold League of Legends Diamond I Account for Sale -...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by João Andrade, 11/21/13.

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  1. João Andrade

    João Andrade
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    League of Legends Diamond I Account for Sale - I'm leaving League of Legends for personal life reasons and i would like to make a profit out of all the time i spent playing this game. Like the title says i'm selling Diamond account with high MMR (been D1/challenger mmr almost all season 3). Account details: Level 30 - Europe West Total IP - 545850 Season 1 - Gold / Season 2 - Diamond / Season 3 - Diamond (all Solo-Q) The account is currently Diamond I (29 pts) (Solo-Q) Has 632 RP and 8791 IP to spend. Account age - 3+ years Normal wins - 1083 The account has many runes as well and 20 rune pages including Marks - 9 x Armor, 9 x armor pen, 9 x phyical dmg, 9x attack speed, 1x cri dmg, 9x Hybrid pen, 9x magic pen, 9x magic resist, 9x mana reg/5, 4x mana/lvl Seals- 9x armor, 4x Physic dmg, 9x .25gold/10, 9x .41mana regen/5, 9x 19 hp at 18, 9x AP/Lvl glyphs- 9x 1.2 ability, 9x .70 armor, 9x .28 physical dmg, 9x .64 attack spd, 9x .83% CDr, 1x .63 Magic Pen, 9x 1.3 MR, 9x 3.1 ability at 18, 2x 1.11% cd at 18, 9x 2.7 mr at 18, 5x .99 mana regen/5 at 18 Quints - 3x 5 ability, 3x 4.3 Armor, 3x 2.6 armor pen, 3 x 2.3 physical dmg, 3x 3.4% atk spd, 3x 1 gold per 10, 3 x 26 health, 2x 2.7 HP regen/5, 3 x 2% lifesteal bonus, 1x 1.3 Mana reg/5, 3 x 1.5% movespeed, 3x 2.0% spellvamp bonus Have every single CHAMPION until Jinx (included). 109 Skins include: - FoxFire Ahri, Crimson Akali, Unchained Alistar, Infernal Alistar, Almost-Prom King Amumu, Bird of Prey Anivia, Frost Fire Annie, Freljord Ashe, Boom Boom Blitzcrank, Vandal Brand, Officer Caitlyn, Desperada Cassiopeia, Jurassic Cho' Gath, Hot Rod Corki, Urfrider Corki, Dark Valkyrie Diana, Executioner Mundo, Death Blossom Elise, Victorious Elise, Shadow Evelynn, Pulsefire Ezreal, Fisherman Fizz, Gatekeeper Galio, Sailor Gangplank, Scuba Gragas, Vandal Gragas, Hired Gun graves, Reaper Hecarim, Nightblade Irelia, Aviator Irelia, Frostblade Irelia, Tempest Janna, Victorious Janna, Commando Jarvan IV, Victorious Jarvan IV, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Jaximus, Full Metal Jayce, Traditional Karma, Grim Reaper Karthus, Harbringer Kassadin , Sandstorm Katarina, Judgment Kayle, Karate Kennen, Kennen M.D, Mecha Kha'Zix, Jurassic Kog'Maw, Prestigious LeBlanc, Traditional Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee Sin, Iron Solari Leona, Bittersweet Lulu, Commando Lux, Marble Malphite, Glacial Malphite, Totemic Maokai, Haunted Maokai, Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Mafia Miss Fortune, Pentakill Mordekaiser, Exiled Morgana, Blackthorn Morgana, Galactic Nasus, Riot K-9 Nasus, AstroNautilus, Pharaoh Nidalee, Haunting Nocturne, Nunu Bot, Brolaf, Sewn Chaos Orianna, Full Metal Pantheon, Molten Rammus, Galactic Renekton, HeadHunter Rengar, Redeemed Riven, Bilgerat Rumble, Triumphant Ryze, Traditional Sejuani, Bear Cavalry Sejuani, Royal Shaco, Blood Moon Shen, Darkflame Shyvana, Warmonger Sion, Bandit Sivir, Sandscourge Skarner, Muse Sona, Arcade Sona, Justicar Syndra, Bloodstone Taric, Riot Girl Tristana, Buccaneer Tristana, Lil'Slugger Trundle, Traditional Trundle, Musketeer Twisted Fate, Gangster Twitch, Primal Udyr, Spirit Guard Udyr, Battlecast Urgot, Arclight Varus, Aristocrat Vayne, Blood Lord Vladimir, Thunder Lord Volibear, Firefang Warwick, Volcanic Wukong, Viscero Xin Zhao, Pentakill Yorick, Special Weapon Zac, Shockblade Zed. Any other questions/offers please feel free to message me!
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