Looking to trade a league of legends account. (AIiens - Summoner Stats - League of Legends for a decent VC account with Skadi/Frey/Jord/Etricia/Ipsum/Envy Scion/Greed Scion/Pride Scion doesn't have to be all of them, few would be great. RP:20 BE:969 Owned Champions w/ skins Aatrox Alistair Ashe - Woad Ashe Aurelion Sol Blitzcrank Brand Caitlyn - Pulsefire Caitlyn Dr. Mundo Draven Elise Evelynn Ezreal - Arcade Ezreal Fiddlesticks Galio Gangplank - Special Forces Gangplank Gragas Graves - Mafia Graves, Victorious Graves Heimerdinger Irelia Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jhin Kai'Sa Kalista Karma Katarina Kayle - Riot Kayle Kayn Kennen Kha'Zix - Guardian of The Sands Kha'Zix Kog'Maw Leblanc - Mistletoe Leblanc Lee Sin Lucian Lux Malphite - Mecha Malphite Maokai - Totemic Maokai, Victorious Maokai Master Yi Morgana Nasus - Archduke Nasus Nidalee - HeadHunter Nidalee Nunu & Willump Orianna - Gothic Orianna Poppy Pyke Quinn Rammus Renekton - Pool Party Renekton Riven - Championship Riven 2016, Crimson Elite Riven Ryze - Zombie Ryze Sejuani Shaco - Royal Shaco Shen - TPA Shen Singed Sivir - Warden, Bandit, Warrior Princess, Spectacular Sivir skins Soraka Swain Syndra - Atlantean Syndra Tahm Kench Taliyah Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere - Beast Hunter Tryndamere, Warring Kingdoms Twisted Fate - Underworld Twitch Urgot Varus - Dark Star Vayne - SKT T1 Veigar Vel'Koz Viktor - Creator Viktor Vladimir Warwick - Big Bad Warwick, Grey Warwick Xayah Xin Zhao Yasuo - Blood Moon Yasuo Zed Zilean