Selling League of Legends Account for Sale Looking to...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    League of Legends Account for Sale Looking to TRADE my acct. Bronze 1 - Every Champion, 16 Rune pages, LOTS of runes. 1000 Normal wins, MANY rare skins. Looking for an account that is mid Gold with good Support champions + Runes, Skins aren't super important but a plus. Account is on NA. Total - 173~ Ahri - Dynasty , Midnight Akali - Stinger, Crimson, Nurse, Blood Moon Alistar - Matador, Longhorn, Unchained Amumu - Pharaoh, Emumu Anivia - Noxus Hunter Annie - Red Riding, Reverse Ashe - Sherwood Forest Blitzcrank - Boom Boom, Definitely Not Brand - Vandal Caitlyn - Sheriff, Safari, Arctic Warfare Cassiopeia - Siren Cho'Gath - Nightmare, Gentleman Corki - Red Baron, Urfrider Darius - Lord Darius Diana - None Dr. Mundo - Toxic, Mr. Mundoverse, TPA Draven - Soul Reaver Elise - None Evelynn - Masquerade, Tango Ezreal - Nottingham, Frosted, TPA Fiddlesticks - Fiddle Me Timbers, Suprise Party Fiora - Nightraven Fizz - Atlantean, Tundra Galio - Hextech Gangplank - Spooky Garen - Desert Trooper Gragas - Gragas Esq. Graves - Hired Gun Hecarim - Blood Knight, Reaper Heimerdinger - Piltover Customs, Snowmerdinger Irelia - Nightblade Janna - Tempest Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jax - Angler, Nemesis Jayce - None Karma - Sakura, Traditional Karthus - Phantom, Grim Reaper, Pentakill Kassadin - Harbinger Katarina - High Command Kayle - Unmasked, Judgement Kennan - Deadly, Swamp Master, Kennan M.D. Kha'Zix - Mecha Kog'Maw - Caterpillar, Monarch LeBlanc - Prestigious Lee Sin - Traditional, Acolyte, Dragonfist Leona - Valkyrie, Iron Solari Lissandra - None Lulu - Wicked, Dragon Trainer Lux - Sorceress Malphite - Shamrock Malzahar - Vizier, Djinn Maokai - Totemic, Festive Master Yi - Assassin, Samurai Miss Fortune - Road Warrior Mordekaiser - Dragon Knight, Lord Mordekaiser Morgana - Sinful Succulence Nami - Koi Nasus - Galactic Nautilus - Abyssal, AstroNautalis Nidalee - Leopard, French Maid Nocturne - Ravager, Haunting Nunu - Sasquatch, TPA Olaf - Brolaf Orianna - Gothic, Sewn Chaos, TPA Pantheon - Ruthless Poppy - Noxus Quinn - None Rammus - Ninja Renekton - Bloodfury Rengar - None Riven - Redeemed, Crimson Elite, Battle Bunny, Championship Rumble - Bilgerat Ryze - Tribal Sejuani - Traditional, Darkrider Shaco - Madhatter, Royal, Workshop Shen - Frozen, Yellowjacket, TPA Shyvana - Ironscale Singed - Surfer Sion - Hextech Sivir - Bandit Skarner - Earthrune Sona - Guqin, Arcade Soraka - Dryad Swain - Bilgewater Syndra - Justicar Talon - Renegade, Crimson Elite Taric - Emerald, Armor of the Fifth Age, Bloodstone Teemo - Badger, Astronaut, Cottontail, Super Teemo Thresh - None Tristana - Riot Girl, Firefighter, Buccaneer Trundle - Lil' Slugger, Traditional Tryndamere - King Tryndamere Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts, Musketeer Twitch - Kingpin, Vandal Udyr - Primal Urgot - Giant Enemy Crabgot, Butcher Varus - Blight Crystal Vayne - Vindicator Veigar - White Mage, Leprechaun, Superb Villain Vi - None Viktor - Full Machine Volibear - Thunder Lord Warwick - Big Bad Warwick, Feral Wukong - Volcanic, General Xerath - Battlecast Xin'Zhao - Viscero, Winged Hussar Yorick - Pentakill Zac - none Zed - none Ziggs - Major Ziggs, Pool Party Zilean - Time Machine Zyra - Wildfire Seller: John Murren | Facebook.
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