Selling League of Legends Account for Sale Just like the...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    League of Legends Account for Sale Just like the title says this is a Diamond in NA currently. The MMR is really high. I just got the account into diamond. I play with and against high diamond players on it all the time. This account sadly only has a silver border from season 2. Has approximately 300 RP and 1350 IP to spend. The win/loss ratio on the account is 2-1 (66.66%) with approximately 100 games played. Actually it is higher than 66%, The account has many runes as well and 10 rune pages including Marks - 9 x Ability Power, 9 x armor pen, 9 x phyical dmg, 9x attack speed, 6x crit chance, 9x cri dmg, 9x magic pen, 9x magic resist Seals- 9x ability power, 9x armor, 9x attack spd, 9x energy regen/5, 9x .25gold/10, 9x .41mana regen/5, 1x 2.7armor at 18, 9x 19 hp at 18, 9x 1.2 mana regen at 18 glyphs- 9x 1.2 ability, 9x .28 physical dmg, 9x .64 attack spd, 9x 1.3 MR, 9x 3.1 ability at 18, 9x 1.11% cd at 18, 9x 2.7 mr at 18, 0x .99 mana regen/5 at 18 Quints - 3x 5 ability, 3x 2.6 armor pen, 3 x 2.3 physical dmg, 3x 3.4% atk spd, 3x 1 gold per 10, 3 x 26 health, 3 x 2% lifesteal bonus, 3x 2 Magic pen, 3 x 1.5% movespeed, 3x 4.4 mana regen/5 at 18 Three champions missing are - Zac, Lissandra, Quinn 151 Skins include Pentakill Mord, Molten Rammus, Bird of Prey Anivia, Mad Hatter Shaco, Black Belt Udyr, Noxus Hunter Anivia, Gentleman Cho'Gath, Myrmidon Panthoen, Frosted Ez, Infernal Mord, Marquis Vlad, Count Vlad, Enchanted Galio, French Maid Nid, White Mage Veigar, Hot Rod Corki, Veigar Greybeard, Commando Xin Zhao, Bilgewater Katarina, Merc Kat, Boom Boom Blitz, Impreial Xin, Minuteman Gp, Spooky Gp, Blast Zone Heimer, Galactic Nasus, Pentakill Sona, Jack of Hearts TF, Tempest Janna, Viridian Kayle, Pre-Void Kass, Statute of Karthus, Waterloo MF, Tundra Hunter WW, Big Bad WW, Shadow Eve, Cowgirl MF, Bandito Fiddle, Recon Teemo, Ionia YI, Assassin YI, Chosen YI, Tribal Ryze, Golden Ali, Dryad Soraka, Warrior Princess Sivir, Forsaken Olaf, Uncle Ryze, Stinger Akali, Vandal Jax, Exiled Morgana, Deadly Kennen, Shurima Deser Zilean, Sinful Succulence Morgana, Hextech Singed, King Trynd, Queen Ashe, Sanguine Garen, Woad Ashe, Commando Garen, Ganster Twitch, Northern Front Swain, Perseus Panth, Kartae Kennen, Freljord Rammus, Nightblade Irelia, Aviator Irelia, Piltover Customs Heimer, Junkyard Trundle, Lil'Slugger Trundle, Brolaf, Desperada Cassiopeia, Sheriff Cait, Surgeon Shen, Dreadknight Garen, Commando Galio, Outback Renekton, Vandal Vlad, Sun Goddess Karma, Sakura Karma, Lion Dance Kog, Sjinn Malz, Almost-Prom King ammumu, Charred Mao, Longhorn Ali, Totemic Mao, Comannd J4, Piltover Customs Blitz, Battle Regalia Poppy, Frozen Terror Noc, Firefang WW, Acolyte Lee, Tradional Lee, Apocalyptic Brand, Vandal Brand, Gragas, Esq., Cottontail Teemo, Fiddle Me Timbers, Rumble in the Jungle, Lord Mord, Jaximus, Vindicator Vayne, Ninja Rammus, High Noon TF, Frostfire Annie, Swen Chaos Orianna, Blood Moon Shen, Blood Moon Akali, Commando Lux, Pentakill Yorick, Valkyrie Leona, Harbinger Kass, Bloodfury Renekton, Demonblade Trynd, Volcanic Wukong, Full Metal Panth, Sandscourge Skarner, Bloodstone Taric, Dragonslayer Vayne, Demolisher Nunu, Rugged Garen, Crimson Elite Talon, Renegade Talon, Pentakill Karth, Reverse Annie, Redeemed Riven, Overlord Malz, Winged Hussar Xin. Mad Scientist Singed, Officer Cait, Hired Gun Graves, Bondeclaw Shyv, Amethyst Ashe, Temple Jax, Musketeer TF, Frost Queen Kanna, Arctic Ops Kennen, Midnight Ahri, Dragon Fist Lee, Heartseeker Vayne, Mafia Graves, Battle Bunny Riven, Glaive Warrior Panth, Warlord Shen, Frostblade Irelia, Soul Reaver Draven, Pulsefire Ez, Panda Teemo, Special Forces GP, Shockblade Zed, Bioforge Darius, Any other questions/offers please feel free to message me!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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