Selling League of Legends Account for Sale 105 of 113...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    League of Legends Account for Sale 105 of 113 Champions, 8 Rune pages 100+ Skins, S1=Silver S2=Gold=S3 diamond 3 i got about 80% of the runes that are ingame im soon for promotoins to divison 2. the reason why im selling is that i enjoy the game less then i used to. Over 2800 Normaal and around 500 games from s1/s2/s3 totale of ranked games. an almost complete list of all the skins i own. Feel free to offer me on pm 1. Other Skins: 2. Akali - Nurse Akali - Blod moon Akali - Silverfang Akali 3. Alistar - Unchained Alistar 4. Aniva - Noxus Hunter Anivia 5. Annie - Frost Annie 6. Ashe - Woad Ashe - Queen Ashe 7. Caitlyn - Sheriff Caitlyn - Arctic Warfare 8. Cassiopeia - Desperada Cassiopeia 9. Corki - DragongWing Corki 10. Darius - Lord Darius 11. Diana - Dark Valkyrie diana 12. Dr.Mundo - Mr.Mundoverse 13. Draven - Soul Reaver Draven 14. Eve - Shadow Evelynn - Masquerade Evelynn 15. Ezreal - Frost ezreal - Pulsefire Ezreal 16. Fiddlesticks - Fiddle me Tibers 17. Gankplank - Spooky Gangplank 18. Garen - Sanguine Garen 19. Graves - Jailbreak graves 20. Irelia - Nightblade irelia - Infiltrator irelia 21. Janna - Hextech Janna - Victorious Janna 22. Jarvan - Darkforge jarvan 23. Jax - Temple Jax 24. Jayce - Full metal Jayce 25. Karma - Sakura karma - Tradiontal karma 26. Karthus - Phantom Karthus 27. katrina - MercenaryKatrina - Sandstorm Katrina 28. Kayle - Viridian Kayle - -Battleborn kayle - Judgement Kayle - Aether wing kayle 29. Khazix - Mecha khazix 30. Leblanc - Wicked leblanc 31. Lee sin - Mutai Lee sin 32. Leona - Iron Solari -Valkyrie Leona 33. Lulu - Dragon Trainer 34. Lux - Imperia Lux 35. Malhite - Coral Reef malphite - Obsidian Malphite 36. Moakao - Charred maokai - Totemic maokai 37. master yi - Samurai Yi 38. Miss fortune - Secret Agent - Mafia Miss 39. Mordekaiser - Dragon knight - Lord mordekaiser 40. Morgana - Exiled morgana 41. Nasus - pharaoh Nasus 42. Nidalee - Leopard nidalee - Pharoah nidalee -head hunter nidalee 43. Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne 44. Nunu - Nunu # 45. Olaf - Forsaken olaf 46. Oriana - Ghotic Oriana - Azubu Oriana 47. Pantheon - Myrmidon Pahnteon - Ruthless Pantheon 48. Poppy - Scarlet hammer - Blacksmith poppy 49. Quinn - Phoenix Quinn 50. Ramus - Ninja Rammus 51. Renekton - Rune Wars Renekton 52. Riven - Redeem riven 53. Ryze - Proffesor Ryze 54. Sejuani - Classic Sejnuani 55. Shaco - Royal Shaco - Nutcracko Shaco - Workshop shaco - Masked Shaco 56. Shen - Frozen Jacket - Warlord shen 57. Shyvanna - Ironscale 58. Sion - Hextech Sion 59. Sivir - Bandit Sivir 60. Taric - Bloodstone taric 61. Teemo - Recon Teemo - Astronatou teemo 62. Tristana - Buccaneer Tristana 63. Trundle - Classic Trundle 64. Twsited fate - Magnificent Twisted 65. Twitch - Ganster Twitch 66. Varus - Arclight varus 67. Vayne - Heartseeker Vayne 68. Veigar - White mage veigar - Greybeard Veigar 69. Warwick - Firefang warwick 70. Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin zhao - Warring Kingdoms Xin zhao Legendary: · Etumum Nocturne · Nunu # · Gentleman Chogath · Astronaut Teemo · Pulse fire Ezreal · Magnificent twisted fate
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  2. OP
    Γιάννης Ιντζέλης

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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