Selling League of Legends Account 60-70 champs + bonus...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    League of Legends Account 60-70 champs + bonus 5krp Gold 5 - $150 (ingleside / SFSU / CCSF) image 1 image 2 This has about 60-70 champs with a bunch of skins including the victorious skin from season 2 i was about 1500ish and gold 5 in s3 price is pretty firm. Will negotiate on certain things as well tho such as gift cards bonus 4.7k rp which is about 35ish dollars already so its a pretty good deal, got the rp as a present last year. With the skins i have its already worth your money. 5 rune pages for 5 different roles ap/ad/jungle/support/top atk runes movement speed almost everything you can probably name some of the highlight skins i have pulse fire ezreal 3k rp officer cait 975 wonderland annie 975 almost all the graves skins 1800 lion king kog 975 morgana skins 975 frozen nocturne 975 bladecraft orianna 975 a riven skin 975 shyvana darkflame 975 firefighter trist 975 vayne skin 975 janna skin season 2 15k rp total thats at least 100 dollars here are some pics of champions i have. I will do the sale only at a starbucks or something similar. call or text (415)385-9090
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