Selling  High End  Android and iOS LATAM Veteran II account 65 skins 52 heroes #

Discussion in 'Arena of Valor Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kyuuroneko, 11/20/20.

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  1. Kyuuroneko

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    My Location:
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    reason for selling: no time to play anymore

    contact me on discord Kyuuroneko#0659 if interested

    payment via paypal ONLY
    and it comes first. once received, I'll give you the Facebook. login and you can do whatever you want to this account

    its got some cool codex skins and etc
    I've got kirito's skin, elandorr's codex skin, keera/alice halloween skin, sephera/annette/liliana idol skins, ilumia's gacha skin, beach annette, sinestrea + her codex skin, rouie, main zip, etc. you can ask me for other skins

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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