Selling  Average  Android  Original Owner (Yes) Last war. Total Hero power 13.8m rank 150. VIP 9. 14m kills.

Discussion in 'Last War Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxxmoocowxxx, 12/3/24.

  1. xxxmoocowxxx

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    Season 1 hasn't started. Mason on wall. Two more close.

    Last apex rank was 355.

    Can move to rank 3 alliance - RBLF rank 3. Currently in top 10 alliance (preference - get to fight other VS team on buster day instead of NAP).

    Sitting on 6 blueprints and 33k honor (will go up if you read this after DS and server war).

    Decorations 2 lvl 3. 4 lvl 2. 4 lvl 1 UR
    Ssr lvl 2 warrior monument 4 lvl 3.
    Blues 4 lvl 3

    Gears 13 UR. Kim gun 40 +750 attack. William 40 radar. Murphy 31 (working to 40). Rest are mix 0-20.

    Heroes all the free ones available.

    Taylor rank 2

    3 builders (bought 2 extra). Tech X2

    Tech tree 72% dev 46% eco 37% hero 67% unit 85% G1. 88% alliance dual. 27% intercity 20% special forces (morale boost 1 currently) - SF will shoot up if you read this after a few days.

    Drone lvl 77 all lvl 6 weapons.

    Heroes Murphy 4.6 star William 3. Kim 3.4 marshall 3.2

    Mason 5 star wall +800. Monica 4.4 Scarlett 4

    Shards 125 ur 238 SSR. (will throw into Murphy or Kim and Monica) If you read this after hero day.

    25 hands (rough idea of where I am at with workers).

    1.4 million kills. I go hard on buster day. This is a budget PvP account that farmed dooms did every event.

    VIP 9

    Account will remain active until bought so these numbers will improve based on VS event.
    #1 xxxmoocowxxx, 12/3/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
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