Selling  Android and iOS  Last Shelter B25, Full T9s, S1-X HEROES, 7.7 Tech Power, 5 migration tickets

Discussion in 'Last Shelter Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by GrandTurismo89, 3/9/20.

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  1. GrandTurismo89

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    [​IMG] 129M Units Defeated (9/3/20) 33.9M Power (9/3/20) Regular Top 5 in state COZ challenges

    [​IMG] Tech Power 7.7M

    [​IMG] Full T9s, Full Enhanced Troops, 4 APCs, Defense APC unlocked, 5 Construction Vehicles

    Ø Complete Gold Vehicle Parts (Crush Ability),

    Ø Complete Gold Fighter Parts (Unyielding Ability) &

    Ø Complete Gold Shooter Parts (Piercing Shot Ability),

    Ø 1 set mixed Gold/Orange Vehicle Parts (2 Gold, 4 Orange)

    Ø 1 set mixed Gold/Orange Shooter Parts (2 Gold, 4 Orange)

    Ø 3 Gold Iron gathering Part, 1 Gold Food gathering Part^

    ^(Only ever need Iron, food gather is for Mondays to hit 9 boxes)

    [​IMG] Infinite resources!

    Ø 462.5M Food,

    Ø 310.1M Oil,

    Ø 150.1M Electricity,

    Ø 314.9M Wood,

    Ø 250M Iron,

    Ø 47.1M Money,

    Ø 513,112 Diamonds (9/3/20) ^^

    ^^ If you play LSS big time, in the later levels, you know you will EVER only gonna need iron eventually, every other resource is ABUNDANT!! (love you lotta food and oil anyone??) That being said, now even I have no problems getting Iron mainly because I have 3 farms (and I play them regularly to farm for resources, especially Iron, exchanging farm diamonds and helicopter trades for iron). With iron and the rest of the resources, I maintain a rough average of at least 200M of each resource at any given time (Apart from money and diamonds of course). In order to do this, some tips:

    1. Open daily 9 boxes without fail

    2. Complete at least 3 daily hourly challenges (I personally do at least 5 or more daily depending if I am chasing MVP)

    3. Complete daily tasks

    4. Check helipad to exchange Food/Lumber for money and exchange for Iron, speedups and parts chests, etc

    5. Hit farms as last resort

    [​IMG] All major buildings completed:

    Ø LVL 25 Parts Factory

    Ø LVL 25 Institute

    Ø LVL 25 Embassy

    Ø LVL 25 Commercial Hub (Helipad)

    Ø LVL 25 Garrison (Raiders exclusive building +500 tactical resistance)

    Ø LVL 25 Trap House (Raider exclusive building +25% might/resistance)

    Ø LVL 25 ALL War Rooms (Vehicle, Fighters, Shooters)

    Ø LVL 25 Heroes Hall/Military Academy

    Ø LVL 25 ALL Banks

    Ø LVL 25 Radar (For scouting)

    [​IMG] Orange Heroes:

    Ø MAXED Shoota Man

    Ø MAXED Iron Guard

    Ø MAXED War Hound

    Ø MAXED Dawn Guardian

    Ø MAXED Destroya

    Ø MAXED Forsaken

    Ø MAXED Militant

    Ø Razor, Reaper, Arsenal

    [​IMG] S/X Heroes

    Ø MAXED Dragon’s Rage S1 (Fighter, AWAKENED)

    Ø War Boss S1 (Vehicle)

    Ø Executioner S2 (1-8, EXCEPT 7, AWAKENED) (Shooter)

    Ø Tech Priestess S3 (1-8, EXCEPT 7, AWAKENED) (Fighter)

    Ø Wings of Liberty S3 (1-8, EXCEPT 7, NOT AWAKENED) (Shooter)

    Ø Major Anastasia S3 (1-8, EXCEPT 7, NOT AWAKENED) (Vehicle)

    Ø Farseer S3 (1-5)

    Ø Commisar S4 (1-5)

    Ø Caesar S4 (1-8, EXCEPT 7, NOT AWAKENED)

    Ø Hummingbird S4 (1-5)

    Ø Commisar S4 (1-5)

    Ø Koschei X (1-5)

    Ø Valkyrie X (1-5)

    Ø Patriot X (1-5)

    Ø Nomad X (1-5) ^^^

    ^^^ Currently just ended 1st season of Eden, awaiting 2nd season

    [​IMG] 98 Advanced Teleports, 29 Random Teleports (I hit upwards of 500M during KE on sat, my highest score was 2.9G and I didn’t even get MVP for that! The state I am in, the record is 19+Gs for 1 base. Needless to say we won COZ on that day)

    [​IMG] Courage Medals, Wisdom Medals and Speedups Change too quickly, I use them heavily every week, so PM me if you must know the current amount. Rest assured if you play the game to get infinite resources above, you will have no trouble with medals and speedups.

    [​IMG] 5 migration tickets, need 9. Migration range 1-320.

    Lastly, will play the game til account is sold. Still love the game and want new owner to enjoy the account and actively enhance it. Cheers!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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