Sold Laser Focused Station Trader alt, 5 Mil SP, No waste, No History, Ready to use, 3 Bonus Remaps

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by RaulB, 3/12/20.

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  1. RaulB

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Set of +4 implants, Good name, Cheap
    -See the account details below:

    4.9 Mil SP
    (4.9 Mil+115k Unallocated SP)
    Very focused
    Was not used at all yet
    No kills, No deaths, only in NPC corp, no record of any kind
    Set of +4 implants
    Yearly Remap
    2 Bonus Remaps
    Good name consistent with the EVE universe
    Born: 2017 Feb
    Cybernetics at 4
    Excellent Trading skills:
    Trade at 5
    Retail at 5
    Wholesale at 5
    Tycoon at 4
    Accounting at 5
    Broker relations at 5
    Contracting at 4
    Corporation Contracting at 4
    Margin Trading at 4
    Procurement at 4
    Visibility at 4
    Daytrading at 4
    Marketing at 4
    Wholesale at 4
    Good social skills as well:
    Social at 4
    Connections at 4
    Rest on Screenshot
    179 Million Liquid ISK in Wallet to start you off.
    -For more information and screenshots, write to email: [email protected] (# price)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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