Sold Lapis/Khmun double epic skill stone , 20 legendary 13200gems 53books any

Discussion in 'Summoners War Lost Centuria Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by RoyZhang, 5/29/21.

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  1. RoyZhang

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    Final account quit game. Last day! taking literally any offer or let it root.
    3000 trophy.
    Lapis with epic skill stone (insane strong)
    Khmun with epic skill stone (one of the best back liner)
    20 legendaries, many dups.
    many rare skill stones.
    Limited stock order quick.
    $10 #, come take it with any offer. PayPal fnf
    Discord: Athelena/totem#1669
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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